To promote, establish, equip, erect, maintain and / or grant financial assistance without interest for setting up
Drinking Water and irrigation facilities such as water coolers, wells, hand pumps, ponds etc.
Educational facilities such as primary and secondary schools, study circles etc.
To grant financial assistance whether by way of scholarships or loans without interest for pursuing studies / undertaking research to the indigent student / teachers or any person considered to be learned by the trustees.
To undertake or cause to be undertaken by extending financial assistance to tree plantation programmes, rural development programmes by upgrading infrastructure such as construction of community toilets, composting facilities, sewage facilities etc.
To undertake or cause to be undertaken by extending financial assistance without interest for upgradation and development of land.
To support development programmes for setting up or causing to be set up dairies, cowsheds. providing cattle fodder, upgradation and development of cattle breeds.
Granting aid to poor students/destitutes for maintenance.
Granting aid to those people afflicted with critical disease for treatment, who cannot afford such treatment on their own.
To promote Fine Arts / Hindi / Sanskrit literature by granting awards, assisting in publication of books / magazines of literary value in these languages, preservation of records / books / other articles of heritage value, granting fellowships for research and setting or cause setting up of libraries and take such other steps as may be necessary to promote reading habits among the people, organize or cause to organize programmes of literary value for promotion of languages aforesaid or fine arts.